Start any training program with Kaizen Fitness and we’ll grab a foam roller and get to work. After one exercise with a foam roller individuals will wonder what this self inflicted torture deceive is actually doing. Rightfully so, foam rolling or self-myofascial release does come with a certain amount of discomfort, but it aids greatly in correcting muscular imbalances and inflexibility. The discomforts that one experiences when they hit a “trigger point” or “knot” are adhesions in the muscle tissue. These adhesions affect the muscles ability to lengthen and, in turn, generate force. When a muscle is inflexible it will decrease the range of motion around a joint and prevents the body from functioning at an optimal level.
The foam roller applies pressure on these trigger points or knots breaking up the adhesions and helps release the muscle tissues. As the adhesions break up it will make the muscle more pliable allowing it to lengthen more efficiently. Once a muscle group has been “rolled out” it will respond more favorable to static stretching and other lengthening techniques. When muscles are no longer shorted they reach the proper length-tension relationship allowing muscle to generate more force. Some of the other benefits including increased blood flow, improving posture, and injury prevention.
There are different types of rollers. There are basic foam rollers, PVC pipe with foam outer layer, lacrosse balls, tennis ball, medicine balls, etc. Picking the right one for you is going to depend on your experience with self-myofascial techniques. Beginners want to choose a roller that on the softer side and intermediate to advanced will want something more dense. For more control hitting a “trigger point” or smaller muscle you’ll want to try a ball rather than a roller.
Foam rolling is a great way to the body functioning properly and optimally. Don’t let the discomfort keep you from staying on top of your foam rolling exercises. If you want more information about foam rolling or what areas you should be rolling out get in touch with us today.
Foam rolling is a great way to the body functioning properly and optimally. Don’t let the discomfort keep you from staying on top of your foam rolling exercises. If you want more information about foam rolling or what areas you should be rolling out get in touch with us today.